/* * -- grayscale.js -- * copyright (c) james padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com) * download by https://nowjava.com */ var grayscale02 = (function () { // alert(window.location.hostname); var config = { colorprops: ['color', 'backgroundcolor', 'borderbottomcolor', 'bordertopcolor', 'borderleftcolor', 'borderrightcolor', 'backgroundimage'], externalimagehandler: { /* grayscaling externally hosted images does not work - use these functions to handle those images as you so desire */ /* out of convenience these functions are also used for browsers like chrome that do not support canvascontext.getimagedata */ init: function (el, src) { if (el.nodename.tolowercase() === 'img') { // is img element... } else { // is background-image element: // default - remove background images data(el).backgroundimagesrc = src; el.style.backgroundimage = ''; } }, reset: function (el) { if (el.nodename.tolowercase() === 'img') { // is img element... } else { // is background-image element: el.style.backgroundimage = 'url(' + (data(el).backgroundimagesrc || '') + ')'; } } } }, log = function () { try { window.console.log.apply(console, arguments); } catch (e) { }; }, isexternal = function (url) { // checks whether url is external: 'canvascontext.getimagedata' // only works if the image is on the current domain. return (new regexp('https?://(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')')).test(url); //return (new regexp('(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')')).test(url); }, data = (function () { var cache = [0], expando = 'data' + (+new date()); return function (elem) { var cacheindex = elem[expando], nextcacheindex = cache.length; if (!cacheindex) { cacheindex = elem[expando] = nextcacheindex; cache[cacheindex] = {}; } return cache[cacheindex]; }; })(), desatimg = function (img, prepare, realel) { // realel is only set when img is temp (for bg images) var canvas = document.createelement('canvas'), context = canvas.getcontext('2d'), height = img.naturalheight || img.offsetheight || img.height, width = img.naturalwidth || img.offsetwidth || img.width, imgdata; canvas.height = height; canvas.width = width; context.drawimage(img, 0, 0); try { imgdata = context.getimagedata(0, 0, width, height); } catch (e) { } if (prepare) { desatimg.preparing = true; // slowly recurse through pixels for prep, // :: only occurs on grayscale.prepare() var y = 0; (function () { if (!desatimg.preparing) { return; } if (y === height) { // finished! context.putimagedata(imgdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); realel ? (data(realel).bgdataurl = canvas.todataurl()) : (data(img).dataurl = canvas.todataurl()) } for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var i = (y * width + x) * 4; // apply monoschrome level across all channels: imgdata.data[i] = imgdata.data[i + 1] = imgdata.data[i + 2] = rgbtograyscale(imgdata.data[i], imgdata.data[i + 1], imgdata.data[i + 2]); } y++; settimeout(arguments.callee, 0); })(); return; } else { // if desatimg was called without 'prepare' flag // then cancel recursion and proceed with force! (below) desatimg.preparing = false; } for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var i = (y * width + x) * 4; // apply monoschrome level across all channels: imgdata.data[i] = imgdata.data[i + 1] = imgdata.data[i + 2] = rgbtograyscale(imgdata.data[i], imgdata.data[i + 1], imgdata.data[i + 2]); } } context.putimagedata(imgdata, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); return canvas; }, getstyle = function (el, prop) { var style = document.defaultview && document.defaultview.getcomputedstyle ? document.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(el, null)[prop] : el.currentstyle[prop]; // if format is #ffffff: (convert to rgb) if (style && /^#[a-f0-9]/i.test(style)) { var hex = style.match(/[a-f0-9]{2}/ig); style = 'rgb(' + parseint(hex[0], 16) + ',' + parseint(hex[1], 16) + ',' + parseint(hex[2], 16) + ')'; } return style; }, rgbtograyscale = function (r, g, b) { // returns single monochrome figure: return parseint((0.2125 * r) + (0.7154 * g) + (0.0721 * b), 10); }, getallnodes = function (context) { var all = array.prototype.slice.call(context.getelementsbytagname('*')); all.unshift(context); return all; }; var init = function (context) { // handle if a dom collection is passed instead of a single el: if (context && context[0] && context.length && context[0].nodename) { // is a dom collection: var allcontexts = array.prototype.slice.call(context), cindex = -1, clen = allcontexts.length; while (++cindex < clen) { init.call(this, allcontexts[cindex]); } return; } context = context || document.documentelement; //alert(window.location.hostname); if (!document.createelement('canvas').getcontext) { context.style.filter = 'progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.basicimage(grayscale=1)'; context.style.zoom = 1; return; } var all = getallnodes(context), i = -1, len = all.length; while (++i < len) { var cur = all[i]; if (cur.nodename.tolowercase() === 'img') { var src = cur.getattribute('src'); if (!src) { continue; } if (isexternal(src)) { config.externalimagehandler.init(cur, src); } else { data(cur).realsrc = src; try { // within try statement just encase there's no support.... cur.src = data(cur).dataurl || desatimg(cur).todataurl(); } catch (e) { config.externalimagehandler.init(cur, src); } } } else { for (var pindex = 0, plen = config.colorprops.length; pindex < plen; pindex++) { var prop = config.colorprops[pindex], style = getstyle(cur, prop); if (!style) { continue; } if (cur.style[prop]) { data(cur)[prop] = style; } // rgb color: if (style.substring(0, 4) === 'rgb(') { var monorgb = rgbtograyscale.apply(null, style.match(/\d+/g)); cur.style[prop] = style = 'rgb(' + monorgb + ',' + monorgb + ',' + monorgb + ')'; continue; } // background image: if (style.indexof('url(') > -1) { var urlpatt = /\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)/, url = style.match(urlpatt)[1]; if (isexternal(url)) { config.externalimagehandler.init(cur, url); data(cur).externalbg = true; continue; } // data(cur).bgdataurl refers to caches url (from preparation) try { var imgsrc = data(cur).bgdataurl || (function () { var temp = document.createelement('img'); temp.src = url; return desatimg(temp).todataurl(); })(); cur.style[prop] = style.replace(urlpatt, function (_, url) { return '(' + imgsrc + ')'; }); } catch (e) { config.externalimagehandler.init(cur, url); } } } } } }; init.reset = function (context) { // handle if a dom collection is passed instead of a single el: if (context && context[0] && context.length && context[0].nodename) { // is a dom collection: var allcontexts = array.prototype.slice.call(context), cindex = -1, clen = allcontexts.length; while (++cindex < clen) { init.reset.call(this, allcontexts[cindex]); } return; } context = context || document.documentelement; if (!document.createelement('canvas').getcontext) { context.style.filter = 'progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.basicimage(grayscale=0)'; return; } var all = getallnodes(context), i = -1, len = all.length; while (++i < len) { var cur = all[i]; if (cur.nodename.tolowercase() === 'img') { var src = cur.getattribute('src'); if (isexternal(src)) { config.externalimagehandler.reset(cur, src); } cur.src = data(cur).realsrc || src; } else { for (var pindex = 0, plen = config.colorprops.length; pindex < plen; pindex++) { if (data(cur).externalbg) { config.externalimagehandler.reset(cur); } var prop = config.colorprops[pindex]; cur.style[prop] = data(cur)[prop] || ''; } } } }; init.prepare = function (context) { // handle if a dom collection is passed instead of a single el: if (context && context[0] && context.length && context[0].nodename) { // is a dom collection: var allcontexts = array.prototype.slice.call(context), cindex = -1, clen = allcontexts.length; while (++cindex < clen) { init.prepare.call(null, allcontexts[cindex]); } return; } // slowly recurses through all elements // so as not to lock up on the user. context = context || document.documentelement; if (!document.createelement('canvas').getcontext) { return; } var all = getallnodes(context), i = -1, len = all.length; while (++i < len) { var cur = all[i]; if (data(cur).skip) { return; } if (cur.nodename.tolowercase() === 'img') { if (cur.getattribute('src') && !isexternal(cur.src)) { desatimg(cur, true); } } else { var style = getstyle(cur, 'backgroundimage'); if (style.indexof('url(') > -1) { var urlpatt = /\(['"]?(.+?)['"]?\)/, url = style.match(urlpatt)[1]; if (!isexternal(url)) { var temp = document.createelement('img'); temp.src = url; desatimg(temp, true, cur); } } } } }; return init; })();